Wednesday, June 8, 2011


gah, just kinda lost it for the politico writing. need to keep rants under check so i guess i'll abandon the circletree ranch for awhile, haven't posted since turning forty six.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Mind Control?

Jared he a "mind controlled" planted operative? Is that why he was obsessed with mind-control? I have long suspected that a person with the right mental state could be "reprogrammed" thru brainwashing and a form of mind control that utilizes extreme pain, both physical and emotional. I'm laying out my conspiracy theory....Jared was a "reprogram", a hit man of sorts. Whoever, whatever group is behind the insanity that is taking place has sacrificed one of their own in the name of "vitriolic hate speech" against a political target. How convinient it falls upon a time when the repeal of Obamacare is being pursued by the new House of Representatives, along with the FCC moving to take control of the internet. We are being set up, folks....we will lose freedom of speech as a result of this. Watch young, troubled Jared, under duress, blame "right-wing talk radio" for his actions and the MSM will cheer loudly and proclaim, with hatred....seething hatred, that the "conservative must be punished, they have blood on their hands". Could this be a part of the false-flag operation I have been hearing of? Only time will tell, but I am smelling a huge rat in all this jazz. Remember how last year we were told to "not jump to conclusions" about Major Malik Nidal Hassan when he snapped and killed people at Ft. Hood? Folks, gird your loins and gather your ammo.....bad times are a-comin'!

Arizona shooting (copied from Legal Insurrection)

Why don’t people who are so intent on blaming things politicians have said for this tragedy ever mention rhetoric from Democrats and liberals including:

President Obama:

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said in Philadelphia last night. “Because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”

"I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face."

Or John Kerry who said on the Bill Maher show: “I could have gone to 1600 Pennsylvania and killed the real bird with one stone.”

Or Howard Dean "I hate the Republicans and everything they stand for..."

and: "This is a struggle between good and evil and we're the good?"

and “we need to remember that the enemy here is George Bush, not each other.”

Or Senator Chuck Schumer who called a flight attendant a “bitch.”

Or the Florida Democrats who ran an ad calling for the assassination of Donald

Or New York State Comptroller Alan Hevesi who called for Senator Schumer to “put a bullet between the president’s eyes?”

Or Jonathan Chait who said "I hate President George W. Bush."

Or singer Rickie Lee Jones who aid of President Bush "You're an ignorant, low-class, opportunistic man, both personally and politically, who does everything for political gain and nothing for the wellbeing of the people, and you should not be in office, and the kind of fascism you're perpetrating on our country we don't want, and you're out. We're done with you. Ffffhgggmm."

And when asked if she would be willing to take Bush out for the benefit of democracy? "If I say that, I might get arrested when I go back. And I have to go home." She's thinking it out carefully. "I guess the question is, would I kill anyone? And the answer is, no. But would I feel sorry if someone killed him? No, I wouldn't. It would depend on who killed him, I guess."

Or "The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn" where they superimposed the words "Snipers Wanted" over an image of Bush delivering his acceptance speech at the Republican convention.

Or Nobel Peace Prize winner Betty Williams who said she could kill President Bush?

Or Randi Rhodes who joked about killing the President?

Or Reverend Wright who called Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, Condoskeeza [sic] Rice.

Or England’s Charlie Brooker who wrote: “On November 2, the entire civilised world will be praying, praying Bush loses. And Sod's law dictates he'll probably win, thereby disproving the existence of God once and for all. The world will endure four more years of idiocy, arrogance and unwarranted bloodshed, with no benevolent deity to watch over and save us. John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, John Hinckley Jr - where are you now that we need you?”

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Wayne Washington -Race Baiter

this is the letter i emailed to wayne washington regarding his article published Christmas Day in The State:

I couldn't help but notice your "race-baiting" article, really classy that you write this for publication on Christmas day. When are you going to write an article chronicling the disporportionate numbers of blacks involved in gang activity, murder, violent crime, drug abuse and homlessness and how it is the "honkies" fault? Dude, we white people see right thru that ruse and all my black friends would rather listen to the radio than read a newspaper. If you want to get your message of hate out, get on the radio to find your audience. As it stands, you are playing to the wrong audience and you come off as a two-bit Al Sharpton. Now for the truth......the black guys at work just love me to death, they call me the "blackest white man at the plant". Why? Because I treat them as equals, cut up with them and speak fluent jive, if you will. I never berate them, ask their opinions and honestly love each and every one of them. My observation is that the black man is more concerned with labes than the white man. The funny part is the look of shock on their faces when I tell them I attend TEA party events, some now have nothing to do with me because they think that I am a "racist" for attending TEA party rallies. How do you explain that? Prior to knowing that, they loved me. Now, because of a "label" these guys hate me. Please do explain......Please write a column explaining that to your readers.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

looney lefties

Once again, I read thru comments at The State and my blood pressure rises to new heights. I'm so sick of these perpetual whining machines. One guy was saying that it is wrong to call them "tax cuts" when it is an extension of the current tax rates and makes the valid point of "being responsible spenders of our tax dollars" and he is immediately attacked by the left, saying "well, what do YOU propose mister? are YOU smart enough to come up with good ideas?" and then derided him about "cutting defense spending" as his identity was Go_Navy. Each of these liberal do-gooders ought to be asked right back..."what are your ideas, and why are they superior to mine?" I cannot, I have been banned from posting there for posting a hyperlink to youtube....the Glenn Beck show episode right after the midterms. no warning, nothing but freakin' cowardly "take my ball and go home" type of attitude. I DETEST ANYONE ON THE LEFT! You are a bunch of cowardly, anti-American traitors and each and every one of you should suffer and wallow in your sad, pathetic self-aggrandizing lives. I hope the new year finds much ill ease and no welfare for you. bitches.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Liberal Derangement Syndrome

Cripes 'a mighty......what the hell is wrong with liberals? Have they no moral compass? Some argue that they are abiding the Saul Alinsky tactic of "make your opponent live up to their standards" which, of course, does not apply to them. By having no morals, no ethical code for conduct they are able to deflect any perverse behavior as "apolitical". I am no Bible-thumper, don't live all aspects of my life according to some evangelists but I do believe that Jesus died for our sins, and that God our Father sent his Son into the world as the ultimate sacrifice and awesome display of love. The Bible and the Christian way, therefore, is one of self-sacrifice and love.....I do pray for those who seem lost and undone that they will learn that Jesus died for our sins so that we may have life everlasting. Knowing that the majority of liberals would never stoop to such lowly behavior as to acknowledge a more supreme being than themselves saddens me because they will live eternally in a lake of fire, a pit of despair and darkness of souls lost and undone.
I include a link to illustrate some of the despicable behavior, and leave you with the thought of my good friend who shall remain nameless simply because I wish him and his wife no harm, but I know about you guys swinging and the bisexuality, and it pains me to no end. Shame on both of you, and double shame on the fact that you are so vocal about the extension of the Bush-era tax cuts when you NEVER paid taxes on your small-business!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

You know what pisses me off? The lies told about Sarah Palin and the acceptance of those lies as fact amongst the populace. The fact that lies are so commonplace now disturbs me. My wife subscribes to this mentality and it is bugging me to the point of reconsidering our relationship. What is wrong with America? Why is it just fine and dandy to lie your ass off about folks on the right yet the left gets a pass? Part of it stems from midterm elections....the left is desparate as they have seen 2012: The Prequel this past November and it has them scared to wife included. She will not admit it but she is a typical beaurocratic sycophant, to the point of performing the Kathleen Sebilius sneeze technique with aplomb. It pains me that she has no public stance other than to be a coward and run from such. I've lost my cowardice, now I stand for something.