Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Ben the whore


Ben is now claiming that the Republican governor of Nebraska is to blame for the Medicaid deal.
He has got to be kidding me!

Monday, December 21, 2009

the aryan attack

the dems have it in the bag, why are they continuing to attack opposition to healthcare reform? maybe they don't have it in the bag, but are presenting that image. perhaps this is all a grandstand to get single-payer passed. prediction: the bill will make it to obama without a public-option plan and he will veto it, knowing that it will be back with all the wrinkles ironed out from the trial run which is what we are going thru now.
that still does not answer why the dems continue to paint the opposition as "aryan" or "militia members". hmmmmm......

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Dr. Hollibaugh letter to Sen. Ben Nelson (D) CO

Dear Senator Nelson:
I send this message under “Tort Reform” because the current monstrosity you have pledged your support to says nothing whatsoever about Tort Reform. You have sold the physicians of Nebraska for zilch (zilch for us, but beaucoup federal bucks for you and the liberal partisans in this state). As a family practice physician in Small Town, Nebraska, I was counting on you to be the lone voice of Democratic sanity on this issue, but you sold me out. I will dedicateevery spare minute of my time and every spare dollar I have to defeating you, should you run for re-election. The long hours I spent on my medical education and the long hours I spend treating my patients are nothing but chump change to you and your Democrat colleagues in Washington. I especially can’t wait for your equivocation and milquetoast evasion when your “compromises” on the abortion language in the bill are silently erased or quietly (on-little-legislative-cat’s-feet) eviscerated in the House/Senate give-and-take. Go on: Bet me that you won’t wuss-out on this issue!
I know you won’t give two-seconds to this letter, but I had to write it. I’m a primary care doctor in YOUR state, and you sold me out. I didn’t slog through 4 years of college and 4 years of medical school and 3 years of residency just to have you hand my career and my patient/doctor relationships over to government lifers. Your gutless acquiescence to Obama and Harry Reid and ‘Nanny’ Pelosi will NOT be forgotten.
Thank you, Ben, for forcing doctors like me to earn less than the repairmen who fix our appliances. Case in point: We recently had our dishwasher fixed. The repairman who came to our house charged $65 just to come and ‘diagnose’ the problem, then charged another $180 to ‘fix’ the problem. You and your fellow lawmakers have fixed MY going rate (Medicare) at $35 per-visit. Thank you for securing such a ‘lucrative’ rate for me! Thank you so much for making me–someone with 8 years of education!–make less than a mechanic or appliance repair technichian. And thanks especially for falling in line with Obama and the rest of the Democrats to make such a socialist system permanent.
You have my disgust and disdain forever, you socialist-coddling coward.
Sincerely,Becky F. Hollibaugh, D.O.Warren Memorial HospitalZiimmerman ClinicFriend, NE 68359