on the way home it hit me like a ton of bricks. they are wanting to vote on and pass healthcare December 23 so as to give "us" a gift. i see it instead as a "we know we are killing ourselves but we are going to do it in spite" terror attack on the American way.
i was in an accident yesterday. got hit from behind on I 26 going to harbison. at least i'll get a new tailgate for christmas!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Nelson gets the business
Ben Nelson (D) of Nebraska is going to be a marked man soon. He is gonna get the business much as did Mark Sanford if he doesn't vote for this sham of a reform bill. "they" are threatening to pull all the military bases out of Nebraska if he does not go along. Wow!
algore.....an inconvenient truth
looks like algore is at it again, lying about ice caps melting. come on manbearpig, we aren't THAT stupid!
Monday, December 14, 2009
the deal

healthcare must be rammed down our throat as the crooks want to optimize the amount of tax money they can steal. you see, since it isn't slated to take effect until the next term of office the democrats are creating another crisis to sway public opinion. when the horror of it hits home it will be in the middle of a republican majority that will get blamed for it by everyone in the world and bolster public opinion that "the republicans blew it, here is the evidence...now make the democrats in control for life by removing term limits". they know exactly what they are doing....throwing themselves under the bus for a stronger return in six years. they plan on creating as much duress for the average joe that it appears as though they may be provoking an incident. saber rattling, if you will. throw in a huge debt to china and things aren't looking so good for the home team. looks like the time is nigh for the might to fall aside to a group of thieves.
tha first post!
Well, here we go. Hang on, and enjoy the commentary! More to come, I'm at work and cannot spend much time waxing and pontificating.
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