Wednesday, January 13, 2010


earthquake rattles haiti.....thousands upon thousands dead...millions misplaced. watch it now, here comes amnesty for th refugees and voters for the democratic party who housed them, nourished them and made them the best votes money can buy. wonder if HAARP had anything to do with it?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Avatar (in 3D)

Why do I dislike "Avatar" so thoroughly? A large number of the scenes involve idiot level interaction with the planet flora and fauna. A large portion of this movie was dedicated to "getting to know Pandora," through clumsy interactions with the animals. Lots of grunting, snorting and idiot displays of animals that are identical to various living earth creatures and dinosaurs with an extra leg here, a hammer-head shark nose put on a rhino, and other totally idiotic modifications to existing earth creatures to make them aliens. An extra eye here or there, a nasal sail on the big red pterodactyl (sails were often used to help cool blood so a small nasal sail would not be effective, also, the sail was shown to be bone which would make the sail ineffective and add unnecessary weight to a flying creature). The ion-sail spaceship can't reach the speed of light, and even if it got to relativistic speeds (0.94c and up), it would require that as much of the journey is spent decelerating as accelerating. This rules out a 5 year journey to Alpha Centurai. Did you notice the Navi are basically double-sized humans (I hope they have a greatly improved vascular system or two hearts), with biceps, triceps gluts quadriceps like humans evolved on earth. But they have cat eyes, deer ears and a stupid nose. And they have 100% carbon copy human feet. I guess this is the most efficient foot design for bi-peds? Probably not, especially if they spent any significant time in trees, they would have feet that were better at gripping than transferring force across an area. Again, Cameron's juvenile imagination is pathetic. A magnetic field strong enough to levitate mountains would probably do a whole lot more than just mess with instruments. It would *certainly* prevent remote communication with an Avatar body. By the way, where is the bio-mechanical interface for receiving and transmitting input output from/to the Avatar from the control stations? Oh yeah, and latency isn't an issue here? Also, a planet wide brain would not function well as the latency (especially in terms of biological electrical signal propagation) would really make such a large single brain model impossible. More likely it would have multiple brains interlinked (there are jellyfish that have multiple shared brains). I would doubt that the large brain would function, or the distributed brain model would be very intelligent at all. I also wonder how a planet with an air atmosphere thick enough to allow helicopters to operate would likely not have a gravity substantially different from 9.8ms2. The magnetosphere and gravity required for an atmosphere requires a magnetic dynamo mechanism to keep the atmosphere from being blown away and smaller planets, like mars, lose atmosphere very quickly. Especially in the radiation-wind of a gas giant. Also, the proximity to a gas giant is likely to cause tidal locking and prevent rotation relative to the gas giant (which, given the solar system's gas giant and its distance from the star would cause massive changes in environment, and gas giants emit quite a bit of radiation, and using the sol model, this would likely make the bulk of the thermal inputs coming from the gas giant) and expose moons like Pandora to likely fatal cyclotron radiation. Also gas giants compress via the Kelvin–Helmholtz mechanism , and given the geological time scales required for live to evolve, they radiation output and thermal outputs of the gas giant would change too quickly. Also, the gas giant as depicted in the movie was rotating impossibly fast.

Cameron has one theme potentially right in his films. Until the humans are smart enough to stop paying for complete drivel like Avatar, the society will degrade into a dystopian idocracy. The only complaint I have with this vision is people dumb enough to keep putting up with this trash won't be capable of interstellar travel.