Saturday, December 25, 2010

Wayne Washington -Race Baiter

this is the letter i emailed to wayne washington regarding his article published Christmas Day in The State:

I couldn't help but notice your "race-baiting" article, really classy that you write this for publication on Christmas day. When are you going to write an article chronicling the disporportionate numbers of blacks involved in gang activity, murder, violent crime, drug abuse and homlessness and how it is the "honkies" fault? Dude, we white people see right thru that ruse and all my black friends would rather listen to the radio than read a newspaper. If you want to get your message of hate out, get on the radio to find your audience. As it stands, you are playing to the wrong audience and you come off as a two-bit Al Sharpton. Now for the truth......the black guys at work just love me to death, they call me the "blackest white man at the plant". Why? Because I treat them as equals, cut up with them and speak fluent jive, if you will. I never berate them, ask their opinions and honestly love each and every one of them. My observation is that the black man is more concerned with labes than the white man. The funny part is the look of shock on their faces when I tell them I attend TEA party events, some now have nothing to do with me because they think that I am a "racist" for attending TEA party rallies. How do you explain that? Prior to knowing that, they loved me. Now, because of a "label" these guys hate me. Please do explain......Please write a column explaining that to your readers.