Thursday, August 19, 2010


I see the "coexist" bumpersticker from time to time here in redneck heaven, SC and can't help but wonder what is it about these people. I think it boils down to cowardice....after all, there is a fine line between altruism and pure idiocy. I was once a "coexist" type, but not for religious freedom. I was scared to death of the former Soviet Union...more specifically, scared to death of a nuclear war that I percieved as unsurvivable (I was 14 and naive at the time). The "coexist" types are so wimpy that they would gladly hand over their soul to the first imam that came along, as they are scared shitless of them. Furthermore, the "coexist" types strike me as being atheist or at the least, backslid Christians.
I need to come up with a counterpoint bumper sticker. perhaps one that spells out "resist". Yeah, that's the ticket. I also think I'll spend more time eating pork in front of out local islamic community center.


  1. I have a "Coexist" bumper sticker that is spelled out with gun-maker's logos (or bits of them). I got it from Zazzle, but haven't been able to locate it since (coexist1 by bikermailman).

  2. According to bikermailman (Ace of Spades HQ co-moron) it was removed because of "copyright infringement" which means someone's head probably assploded. I'll put a pic of it up at my place.
