Sunday, January 9, 2011

Mind Control?

Jared he a "mind controlled" planted operative? Is that why he was obsessed with mind-control? I have long suspected that a person with the right mental state could be "reprogrammed" thru brainwashing and a form of mind control that utilizes extreme pain, both physical and emotional. I'm laying out my conspiracy theory....Jared was a "reprogram", a hit man of sorts. Whoever, whatever group is behind the insanity that is taking place has sacrificed one of their own in the name of "vitriolic hate speech" against a political target. How convinient it falls upon a time when the repeal of Obamacare is being pursued by the new House of Representatives, along with the FCC moving to take control of the internet. We are being set up, folks....we will lose freedom of speech as a result of this. Watch young, troubled Jared, under duress, blame "right-wing talk radio" for his actions and the MSM will cheer loudly and proclaim, with hatred....seething hatred, that the "conservative must be punished, they have blood on their hands". Could this be a part of the false-flag operation I have been hearing of? Only time will tell, but I am smelling a huge rat in all this jazz. Remember how last year we were told to "not jump to conclusions" about Major Malik Nidal Hassan when he snapped and killed people at Ft. Hood? Folks, gird your loins and gather your ammo.....bad times are a-comin'!

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